Latest revision 23 September 1999 TJD 11439 = September 18, 1999 Strange Burst Trigger Number 7770 Trigger Number 7770 triggered on one detector (no. 5) instead of the expected normal two detectors. The reason is unknown. DSELB is "--5-----" = "00100000" which becomes the hex value 20. The DSELH1,2,3,4 values in all files are strange also. They are 5,2,6,4 instead of the values 5,1,7,3 which would appear to be what the eight-detector DISCLA plots show. Plots of the time histories of the individual DSELH detectors in the HERB data (which are complete, i.e., 128 records) with channels summed from 1 through 126) seem consistent with the strange DSELH values (5,2,6,4). Other data types involving the individual triggered detectors (in this case only one) or the sum of the triggered detectors (in DSELB) seem to be valid; their rates, in at least most cases, are consistent with one detector.