BATSE Pulsars
Cen X-3

Recent Flux & Frequency History

Cen X-3 has a period near the the Nyquist limit of 2.048s for the DISCLA data used by the Monitor, so that these measurements lose some power due to aliasing. The flux has been corrected by a factor of 1.08 to obtain the values plotted above. Data have been averaged over 2 days. Eclipses are not accounted for in the above flux measurement, so flux values are too low by the ratio of the eclipse duration to the orbital period.
Monitor Parameters ASCII File Typical Pulse Profile PS File Mission History

CGRO/BATSE Mission Frequency History

Data for the above plot are obtained from an enhanced analysis. One frequency measurement per system orbit is made. Times of eclipse are excluded.
PS file FITS file (FITS readme file)

Long-term Frequency History

The same BATSE data is plotted here, along with measurements of the source made since discovery of pulsations.
PS file